November 10-15, 2019
JP’s Restaurant Week – hosted by various restaurants throughout the week.
We’re working with some of JP’s premier hotspots to host this awesome restaurant week! Each restaurant will have one designated night during which they will donate a percentage of profits to Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), an organization that helps protect unaccompanied children who enter the U.S. immigration system alone find a safe haven and ensure that no child appears in court without an attorney.
So come enjoy dinner, drinks, and dessert – and you will be supporting a great cause!
November 10 – Tres Gatos (tresgatosjp.com)
November 11 – The Haven (thehavenjp.com)
November 12 – Little Dipper (littledipperjp.com)
November 13 – Vee Vee (veeveejp.com)
November 14 – The Frogmore (thefrogmore.com)
November 15 – Casa Verde (casaverdejp.com)
Event page on Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/762949247477472/
Dining For a Difference 3: Recap
Dining For a Difference 3 was a part of Boston For All Week (2019) and it was a huge success! Over the course of the week, we raised over $20,000 in support of three fantastic organizations:
The Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network (BIJAN) – providing legal representation and advocacy to immigrants in Boston facing detention and deportation.
Redes en Acción Venezuela – a local organization helping Venezuelan refugees settling in the Boston area.
Komera – an international organization promoting personal empowerment and education for girls in Rwanda.
We were honored to work with City Councilor Matt O’Malley, State Representative Nika Elugardo, and community partners to host a week-long festival of inclusion and generosity on June 9-15, 2019.
Our gracious hosts for the week:
June 9 – Tres Gatos (tresgatosjp.com)
June 10 – The Haven (thehavenjp.com)
June 11 – Little Dipper (littledipperjp.com)
June 12 – The Frogmore (thefrogmore.com)
June 13 – Vee Vee (veeveejp.com)
June 14 – Casa Verde (casaverdejp.com)
And also a big thank you to our generous sponsors of Boston For All Week, without whom we wouldn’t be able to do this work!
Rifrullo Cafe | Espresso Yourself | City Feed and Supply | Red Sun Press
Dining For a Difference 2: Recap
We had a great JP restaurant week during mid-term election week! JP restaurants, neighbors, and friends raised over $2,000 for Kids in Need of Defense (KIND). KIND is a national organization providing much needed advocacy and legal assistance to immigrant children and their families.
Find some press coverage here
Dining For a Difference: Recap
It was so wonderful to work with our restaurant partners to present this special four-night event to raise money for the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. So many friends and neighbors came out to eat well, enjoy time well spent, and support the movement for an inclusive nation. So many thanks to Tres Gatos, The Frogmore, Vee Vee, and Casa Verde for their wonderful participation.
See some press coverage here.